Tuesday, June 30, 2009
AL HIJAMAH/BERBEKAM - English Version Part 2
In a number of medical systems, from Greek to Malay traditional medicine, illness believed to be caused by harmful and dirty blood must be treated by taken out the dirty blood. Under this influence, people believed that wherever part of the body, from head to toe, become ill, hijamah can be used as the right measure for treatment. Therefore, if we wish to know the history of treatment of disease in the light of al-Tibb al-Nabawi, we must study hijamah because it was widely practiced by the Prophet (PBUH/SAW) and his companions and this method of healing is still alive in many Muslim countries.
We were told that the Prophet (PBUH/SAW) and his companions always had practiced al-hijamah in several occasions from the time he was at home to the time that he was in the state of Ihram. It is very regrettable that we do not have very clear rational explanation why cupping was so popular in the time of Prophet, but one fact is nevertheless clear that hijamah is very easy to practice, just using a jar or a similar material. A jar is attached to the skin surface, so that the dirty blood, air, toxic and other harmful substance flow to the surface of the skin. Then, harmful substance may remove from the body. Secondly, it is because the dwellers of the Arabian peninsular and countries of hot climate are the most suitable people to be cupped. This is because the blood of people who dwell in that region is thinner (raqiq) and is drawn closer to the surface of the skin (tamil ila zahir al-abdan).
As we expected, many ahadith would be recorded in Kitab al-Tibb of Sahih Bukhari. They were recorded from chapter eleven to chapter fifteen of kitab al-tibb. One of these five chapters is Bab al-Hijamah min al-Da’ (cupping as a treatment for disease). In this chapter, Imam Bukhari mentioned that Jabir bin ‘Abdullah narrated that he visited al-Muqanna while he was illness. Jabir said, “I will not leave till he gets cupped, for I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “There is healing in cupping.” Secondlt, Imam Bukhari reported that Allah’s Apostle was cupped on the middle of his head at Lahy Jamal on his way to Mecca while he was in a state of Ihram. Thirdly, Imam Bukhari reported that: “Allah’s Apostle was cupped on his head. Lastly, al-Bukhari reported that the Prophet commanded the cupping to be used and said: “There are no remedies comparable to cupping and blood letting”.
to be continued....
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The subject of death is very important to all of us. Every one of us has to die. In this regard Allah mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Zumar that everyone has to die including the Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him) himself: "Truly thou wilt die (one day), and truly they (too) will die (one day) (Quran 39:30).
Also Allah said in Surah Al-'Ankabut (The Spider) that everyone has to die: "Every soul shall have taste of death: In the end to Us shall ye brought back" (Quran 29:57).
No one knows when and where to die. No one even knows how he is to die. In this respect Allah says in the Quran in Surah Luqman: "Nor does anyone know what it is that he will earn on the morrow: Nor does anyone know in what land he is to die. Verily with God is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things)" (Quran 31:34).
It is understood that Allah alone is the One Who gives life, and it is He Who takes off life. In this regard, Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Mumin (The Believer): "It is He Who gives Life and Death; and when He decides upon an affair, He says to it, 'Be,' and it is" (Quran 40:68).
The life of a Muslim on this earth is a short one, but his deeds and actions are eternal if he knows how to channel them in the right directions. As far as the life span of a Muslim is concerned, our beloved Prophet said: "The life span of my followers is between sixty and seventy. Very few of them do exceed this age" (Tirmizi).
While the life span of a Muslim is short, and while the deeds and actions do stop normally after death, a Muslim may continue to earn rewards for certain things even after his death. These are perpetual charity, a useful knowledge, a good child that prays for him, a mosque that he built, teaching Quran to another person, a house he built for public use, a water fountain or a river that he rent and made it free for people, or a charity that he gave during his life while he was in good health. All these and similar others are the ones that may follow him even while he is in the grave. In this respect, the Prophet said: "When a child of Adam dies, his deeds are over except through three things: perpetual charity, a useful knowledge, or a good child to pray for him."
In another Hadith in Ibn Majah, the Prophet said: "Some of the deeds and the rewards that follow a believer after death are: knowledge that he taught or published, a good child that he left behind, a Quran that he inherited to someone, a mosque that he built, a house that he built for the wayfarer, a river that he rented (to be used free), or a charity that he gave from his wealth during his good health and his life; these are the ones that follow a person after his death."
Remember that death is a process of rest for both the believers and the wicked. We hope and pray that we Muslims obey Allah in our private and public life. We hope and pray that Allah will be happy with us. We pray that when death comes to us, we are ready to face it with courage. We hope that when we die, we will die as loving sincere Muslims. Ameen.
'A SHEIKH was delivering a lesson(bagi ceramah), but in the middle of it, he suddenly collapsed. From the unauthentic source, he was claimed to be dead. Try to see his forehead. AL FATEHAH...
Friday, June 19, 2009
AL HIJAMAH/BERBEKAM - English Version Part 1
Al-Bukhari’s criteria for acceptance of hadiths into his collection were amongst the accepted criteria of Muslim scholars of hadith. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur’an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. It is not merely its authenticity that makes this particular collection arising interested by Muslim scholars, but also the vital role it played in developing the concept of health medicine, prevention and treatment of disease relevance to this age.
Two Hadith were narrated by Ibn `Abbas and another was by Jabir b. Abd Allah.
First: “Healing is in three things: a gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing), however, I forbid my followers to use branding with fire (cauterization) (al-Shifa’ fi thalatha: sharbat `asal, wa shartah mihjam, wa kayyah nar, wa anha ummati `an alkayy).
Second: “Healing is in three things: cupping, a drink of honey and cauterization (branding with fire) but I forbid my followers to use cauterization (al-Shifa’ fi Thalatha: fi Shartati Mihjam, aw Sharbat Asal, aw Kayy bi Nar, wa Anha Ummati an al-Kayy).”
In another version, it was narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah that he heard the Prophet said: “If there is any healing in your medicines, then it is in cupping, a drink of honey or branding with fire (cauterization) that suits the ailment, but I don’t like to be (cauterized) branded with fire”
In his interpretation of the above hadiths, Ibn Hajar (773–852/1372-1449) reminded us that the treatment of disease does not predestine only three methods of healing namely a gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing). In trying to answer the question, why did the Prophet SAW mention only three methods of healing?, Ibn Hajar clarified that the Prophet SAW mentioned only three methods of healing mainly because they were usul al-ilaj, the principle of treatment of disease. In addition, it was widely known among the Arab in that time.
It is possible that this belief was the result of Muslim’s discoveries during that time that the cause of disease was mainly blood (damawi) or yellow bile (safrawi) or black bile (sawdawi) or phlegm (balghi). This implies that the Arab in that time viewed the nature of disease in terms of philosophy and looked upon it as a disturbance in the equilibrium of the body’s blood, yellow bile (safrawi), black bile (sawdawi) and phlegm (balghi). Thus, the disease, which is caused by one of them should be treated either by hijamah (taking the impure blood from the body) or honey. If we failed to treat a disease by the mentioned method, then, it must be treated by cauterization
or surgery as in our time. The latter could not be more than a last option to which physicians had to consider when a gulp of honey, cupping(al Hijamah) and pharmaceutical treatments failed.
* Senior Lecturer Faculty of Human Ecology Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor, MALAYSIA
Monday, June 15, 2009
Berbekam juga sangat bermanfaat untuk mengubati orang yang keracunan makanan, bisa dan sejenisnya lebih-lebih lagi jika negara tersebut beriklim panas dan terjadi pada musim panas (summer; negara 4 musim).
Racun sangat kuat dan cepat mengalir ke seluruh tubuh badan melalui darah menyebabkan badan berpeluh, jadi racun menjalar terus ke aliran jantung, dan selalunya kita tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa. Rasulullah SAW memilih berbekam pada tengkuknya kerana tempat tersebut adalah yang paling dekat dengan jantung, walaupun racun tersebut tidak dapat keluar sepenuhnya namun ia dapat meringankan penderitaan yang yang terkena racun tadi.
"Bahawasanya Rasulullah SAW melakukan bekam pada kepalanya dengan tanduk ketika disihir orang."
Titik bekam pada umumnya adalah untuk meringankan gangguan pada organ dan saraf & apa bila dibekam di tempat yg ada gangguan, terutama kerana gangguan terlebihnya darah atau darah kotor atau kedua-duanya.
Titik-titik bekam yang disukai Rasulullah SAW ialah selain diatas kepala, di kedua urat leher Rasulullah SAW. Ia dapat mencegah:
~ sakit kepala
~ sakit di bahagian wajah
~ sakit di gigi
~ sakit telinga
~ sakit di wajah.
~ sakit hidung
~ sakit bahagian tekak
Di bahagian tengkuk pula dapat mencegah sakit di bahagian:
~ tekanan darah pada tengkuk
~ rabun dan benjolan di mata
~ berat pada alis dan kelopak mata
~ penyakit mata yang lainnya
Bahagian bahu pula bagi dapat menghilangkan rasa sakit @ stress/tekanan pada bahagian bahu.
Di bahagian pinggang pula bagi menghilangkan sakit pinggang dan juga lenguh-lenguh.
(1)Abu Dawud ada menyebutkan dari hadith yang diriwayat oleh Jabir mengatakan bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah melakukan bekam di bagian atas pinggangnya karena sakit lenguh-lenguh yang dideritanya. Bahagian lain tubuh boleh di-bekam sesuai tempat yg mereka deratai selama bukan area/tempat yang dilarang di-bekam. Haruskah sebulan sekali kita di-bekam? Jika kita ingin terbebas dari gangguan penyakit yang diakibatkan darah kotor atau sebagai tindakan penjagaan dan kewaspadaan kita terhadap penyakit, maka sangat baik bekam dilakukan sebulan sekali. Dan agar tubuh kita lebih sehat lagi, maka lebih baik setiap pagi dan setiap hari kita meminum Madu.
(2)Yakinlah akan kebenaran Rasulullah SAW dan Rasul pastinya Baginda tidak pernah berbohong. Siapakah yang lebih benar kata – katanya daripada Rasulullah SAW? Baginda telah menunjukkan kepada kita cara perubatan yang diamalkan sendiri oleh Baginda.
Panduan dari hadith-hadith ada mengatakan bahawa Rasulullah saw pernah melakukan bekam/al Hijamah di bahagian kepala baginda ketika dalam keadaan ihram kerana sakit kepala, Rasulullah SAW juga berbekam ketika termakan racun yang diletakkan oleh wanita Yahudi ke dalam daging kambing yang dihidangkan kepada Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat di Khaibar, Rasulullah SAW pernah berbekam di ’akhdain’ dan ’kahil’, serta di antara dua bahu Baginda. (katifain) Rasulullah SAW pernah berbekam pada pinggangnya kerana sakit yang ditanggung seperti kata hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud. Rasulullah juga pernah berbekam di ’malal’ yakni pada bahagian belakang kaki baginda dan baginda saw berbekam pada 17,19 dan 21 haribulan hijrah sepertimana tersebut dalam sebuah hadith :” Rasulullah Saw telah berbekam di ’akhdain’ dan ’kahil’ dan baginda berbekam pada 17,19 dan 21 haribulan Hijriah” ( Riwayat Ahmad wa Turmuzi wa ibnu Majah)
Titik Bekam Rasulullah SAW. Berbekam merupakan perubatan Sunnah dari Rasulullah SAW pada hari ini semakin terlupakan dan dilupakan oleh umat Islam sendiri dan mereka meninggalkan faktor keberkatan di dalam perawatan dan perubatan, malah berbekam sekarang lebih banyak diamalkan di Barat sedangkan pernah diceritakan di dalam sebuah hadith, ketika mana seorang sahabat datang kepada Rasulullah SAW dan mengadu bahawa ia sakit kepala, maka Rasulullah saw berkata 'Berbekamlah kamu!".
Disamping faktor kesihatan pada berbekam, faktor yang paling penting dan utama ialah terdapat ciri ibadah sehinggakan para malaikat Allah sendiri yang menganjurkan kita semua supaya berbekam. Berbekam merupakan perubatan wahyu dan bukannya hasil daripada kajian,eksperimen ataupun hipotesis manusia seperti kebanyakan perubatan moden pada hari ini. Daripada Ibnu Mas’ud sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda ' Sesungguhnya aku telah melalui sekumpulan malaikat pada malam aku diisra’ oleh Allah taala dan mereka telah berkata 'WAHAI MUHAMMAD, SURUHLAH UMATMU BERBEKAM' diriwayat oleh Turmuzi Wa Baihaqi.
1. Milis Masjid Ar-Royyan, Perum BDB II, Sukahati, Cibinong 16913Website http://www.arroyyan.com/ ; Milis jamaah[at]arroyyan.com
Friday, June 12, 2009
* Memperbaiki keanjalan pembuluh darah
* Mehilangkan sakit
* Memperseimbangkan angin, suhu dan mengeluarkan racun dari tubuh badan
* Meredakan peradangan
* Mempertingkatkan aktiviti organ dan kelenjar
* Melancarkan peredaran darah
BUKTI PEMERIKSAAN MAKMAL - darah bekam vs darah dari pembuluh darah
* Darah bekam hanya mengandungi 10% sel darah putih dari darah biasa
* Semua sel darah merah yang keluar adalah cacat dan rosak serta tidak berfungsi
* Tidak keluar bersama darah bekam zat besi
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
* Wanita yang hamil tiga bulan pertama - tapi aku prefer bekam selepas mereka
* Anemia/kurang sel darah merah
* Mempunyai tekanan darah yang rendah
* Orang tua yang sangat uzur
* Berpenyakit kulit - berkudis dan jerawat yang kronik
* Mereka yang makan ubat pencair darah
* Cuci darah (hemodalisis)
* Selepas berjimak
* Terlalu kenyang atau terlalu lapar
* Sesudah mandi
* Pengsan
* Tepat pada tulang ekor
* Varicose vein (varises)
* Infeksi terbuka
* Di rongga terbuka seperti : hidung, mulut, dubur, telinga, mata dan tempat sulit
* Pesakit HIV dan AIDS
* Perempuan yg sedang datang haid/'period'/mensturation
* Terkena sihir - boleh tapi perlu ada cara khusus
* Hepatitis - (punya alat khusus)
1. Makan berat; contoh makan nasi boleh, tapi selepas 3 jam selepas berbekam, makan ringan macam teh suam dan karipap tu oklah
2. Mandi; selepas 3 jam berbekam barulah boleh mandi, boleh berwuduk dan bersolat kerana darah kotor takkan keluar, dan tempat yang dibekam tidak pedih, Insya Allah
3. Menghindari makanan terlalu masin, pedas dan masam
4. Berjimak - ditakuti teramat letih, nak bersama pun dinasihatkan pun selepas
tiga hari berbekam..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
DIriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah RA bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda, "BARANGSIAPA BERBEKAM PADA TANGGAL 17,19 & 21 BULAN HIJRIAH MAKA ITU ADALAH HARI-HARI YANG MENYEMBUHKAN SEGALA PENYAKIT!" >>> afdhal bila berbekam pada tarikh tersebut di bulan Islam ...
Tetapi bila terdapat pengubatan yang dalam keadaan terdesak dan hanya dengan cara ini yang boleh dilakukan yakni dengan BERBEKAM maka ia tetap bermanfaat walau diawal bulan mahupun akhir bulan.
Contohnya ada orang yang mengalami pendarahan atau gumpalan di otak, yang boleh menyebabkan badan mati separuh/lumpuh, maka BERBEKAM ketika itu jauh lebih bermanfaat daripada menundanya hingga hari-hari kemudian/berikutnya sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadis diatas. WALLAHU ALAM...
Perlu diingat waktu yang dilarang keras untuk membuat rawatan bekam adalah pada hari RABU kerana pada hari itu adalah turunnya penyakit KUSTA/SOPAK dan pada hari itu jugalah Nabi Ayyub terkena bala. Penyakit kusta mahupun belang mula muncul selalu pada hari Rabu atau malam Rabu.
Para sahabat nabi kerap melakukan rawatan bekam sebulan sekali sehinggalah mereka tidak berbekam pada waktu bulan Ramadan.
Menurut Ibnu Sina pulak didalam kitabnya bahawa saat yang baik untuk berbekam ialah pada pukul 2-3petang (lebih afdhal selepas solat zuhur) kerana darah pada saat itu sedang mengembang dan darah-darah kotor/toksid senang dikeluarkan. Sebelumnya boleh dilakukan 1/2jam badan diwapkan/sauna, bertanggas, diurut dan selepas rehat 15minit kemudian barulah boleh dibekam.
Bagi akulah, apa-apa ilmu yang baru di pelajari wajib berguru & ada gurunya, jangan tengok org bekam nampak senang habis semua kita nak bekam...elok-elok kita nak buang penyakit tak pasal-pasal nanti mengundang penyakit yang tak diingini...hindari BERBEKAM dengan orng kafir kerana mereka tidak BERBEKAM mengikut SUNNAH RASULULLAH SAW.